Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Supportive Friends

Friend- one attached to another by affection or esteem; a favored companion

The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary definition of friend is above. It describes a person who you can count on. Someone who will be there for you when times get rough. Those who will listen to you when you just need someone to hear what you have to say. Most importantly, a friend is someone who stands by your side and supports you no matter decisions or mistakes you make.

Being financially independent it tough. You have to learn to manage your bills, know when to save and when you can splurge, and you have to be able to distinguish between necessities and luxuries. Sometimes your finances can become very frustrating and stressful, especially when you’re living paycheck to paycheck while others have their parents to financially support them. There comes days when I just want to give up everything: quit my job, sell my car, stop paying my bills and live like a normal college student. In reality, working through college is what gives me the ability to live like a normal college student. It gives me the extra money I need to go out with my college friends and to have a car and cell phone like a college student does.

That’s why, when times get rough and I just want to give up, I have my friends there to support me. Although they may not be in the same situation I am or have not gone through the certain things I’ve gone through, I know they will always be there to listen when I need to vent about my horrible day at work. They can even sometimes provide advice on similar situations that they have experienced. And they are always there to cheer me up when I am down.

Without the support of friends, life can be very lonely. Always cherish those who are by your side and never take for granted the fact that they are there.

Creative Commons License
Friends by Emily Covell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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